Life-changing martial arts for kids, adults, toddlers, & teens in Canton, Michigan.

Lasting Confidence

Your child will gain confidence properly at Rise Martial Arts. That is, through practice, failure, & then success. When confidence is gained in this way, it’s durable. It often lasts for life. Overcoming challenges leads to the right kind of confidence.


Bullying, and the low self-esteem that it causes, can damage a child for life. Our students become gradually familiar with the feeling of confrontation & self-defense. And this confidence translates to them finally sticking up for themselves in real life. And when this happens, the bullying finally stops.

Mental Fortitude

The biggest concern of so many parents right now is the mental health of their child. There are certainly professional & medical paths to helping with this. But the type of mental toughness, grit, & strength you gain from the hardship & excitement at Rise Martial Arts is unparalleled for giving kids mental fortitude. There’s nothing like it.

Proven systems for creating incredible martial artists.

Precise Class Structure

This is not an exaggeration: at Rise, every single second of class is planned, structured, & consistent. Every single second. Your child will have a consistent experience, each class. Now, the content will vary, of course, to keep things fresh. But the structure is the same compelling & fun structure, every single class. Most schools “wing” classes. None of that takes place at Rise.

Clear Expectations

The most important details of our program can be found on this website. We want you to have no surprises! What you read will be what you get. Most martial arts schools do the exact opposite: they fail to provide details for fear of you not liking what you read. That’s not us! We’re an open book! You’ll be able to rest easy on your first day for your free trial class.

Teaching That Inspires

We know full well that children can be inspired, engaged, & joyful about a meaningful activity they partake in. The opposite is also true. Instructors at Rise all teach with the exact same classical teaching principles that inspire children towards excellence: individualism / name usage, visual-verbal-physical instructions, purpose-based knowledge, & high-energy teaching are some of the many methods you will see every single instructor adhere to.

Clear expectations. Sensible policies. No surprises.

Cost-Free Trial

Your first class is totally free. No, we don’t require payment info before you participate, of any kind. It’s a genuinely free trial class.

Pressure-Free Trial

We have an absolute pressure-free policy at our school. Your free trial class is seriously a free trial. It’s just to see if you think it’s a good fit. If you do, great! If not, there’s zero pressure, whatsoever. We don’t do sales pitches, or try to “close” on you. If you like it, you can enroll. There’s also no pressure to enroll on the first day, either. You can always enroll later after thinking about it! Rest assured!

No Contracts

Children just aren’t capable of committing themselves to contracts. And we want our families to come and go as they please, with a positive feeling whenever they have to leave. And all sorts of things interfere with contracts: other sports, other activities, injuries, school, vacations, etc. Some schools can’t do without contracts for fear of kids quitting en masse. We don’t have that problem. We have excellent retention because the program actually excites students for the long run. You’ll have the peace of mind knowing that your commitment is strictly month to month. And with no prior cancellation notice required. 

Safety Briefings Every Class

Every single class we devote a portion of it to explaining what’s safe & approved, and what’s dangerous and not approved. And our instructors watch & enforce these like a hawk. Sure, accidents can happen. But they’re exceedingly rare.

Consistent Structure

Your family will know exactly what to expect every class. It is true that the content changes to keep things fresh and fun. But the structure is always the same. We don’t “wing it” at Rise. We follow cautious class structure & timing. 

Systemized Teaching

We know full well that children can be inspired, engaged, & joyful about a meaningful activity they partake in. The opposite is also true. Instructors at Rise all teach with the exact same classical teaching principles that inspire children towards excellence: individualism / name usage, visual-verbal-physical instructions, purpose-based knowledge, & high-energy teaching are some of the many methods you will see every single instructor adhere to.

Rise Martial Arts - Canton

This location has been around for about 6 years. Our other location for about 1.5. We know what we’re doing. And we’re so happy to serve Canton, Plymouth, Northville, & surrounding families!

Practical Mixed Martial Arts

Training in just one art can be fine: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Taekwondo, Karate, Boxing, etc. But the greatest martial artists are, without dispute, mixed martial artists. Imagine your child knowing how to punch, but having no idea what to do when someone grabs them! Or the other way around! Students need the full package. Not a piece of the package. Rise Martial Arts teaches only the most realistic martial arts techniques.

Designed With Fun In Mind

You simply can’t develop a child that quits. And if a child isn’t having fun, they’re likely on the inevitable path to quitting. The Rise class structure all but guarantees a fun time, every class. You’ll see your child excited, intense, focused, laughing, & smiling throughout class. It’s because the structure and content is meticulously setup for fun, while barely, if at all, sacrificing skill development.

Canton Location

Rise Martial Arts - Canton

7225 N Canton Center Rd

Canton, MI 48187


This could be the life-changing activity you’ve been looking for.