Adult Martial Arts

The life-changing adventure you’ve been looking for.

Empowering Self-Defense

When you learn practical and realistic mixed martial arts, you earn a special kind of confidence that sticks with you everywhere you go: the certainty that you’re capable of protecting yourself.

Fitness You Enjoy

Contrary to popular belief, exercise isn’t especially natural for humans. What’s natural for physical fitness is a physical activity that we actually enjoy. When you’re training in martial arts, you’ll find yourself in moments of tough physical exertion, but barely even thinking about it!

A New Adventure

The excitement in our lives isn’t supposed to end at adulthood. Far from it. But there are so few opportunities for excitement and adventure as an adult. Martial arts is the answer. You really may find yourself waking up with that healthy obsession feeling you had as a kid. For some adults, it really is that compelling!

Designed with adult beginners in mind.

Realistic Curriculum

At Rise Martial Arts, all students, adults included, become proficient in the most realistic form of martial arts there is: mixed martial arts. We only include techniques that have an actual real-life use case. The techniques have to actually be useful for self-defense or at least for training. This means punches, kicks, grappling, submissions, takedowns, evasions, defenses, elbows, & knee strikes. Nothing too fancy and nothing unrealistic.

Age-Appropriate Structure

Yes, we want the excitement and adventure that comes with martial arts, as an adult. But what we don’t want is a childish environment. You won’t be engaging in any cheesy formalities or childish class activities. It’s a mature, but family-friendly, adult class structure.

A Reasonable Pace

It’s not uncommon for a 20 year old and a 55 year old to be in the same class at an authentic martial arts school. And yet, the pace that these two train at will obviously be different. You’ll be challenged and pushed at Rise Martial Arts, sure. But at a pace that’s relevant to you. Not to the 20 year old college athlete. We get this. Totally.

Clear expectations, procedures, & principles.

Safety Taken Seriously

This is not a cage fighting class. This is a program for working professionals. Working professional adults can’t afford to be getting slammed, concussed, & injured constantly. All students, including adults, are briefed on safety procedures every single class. And there is no full contact sparring. No sparring, light sparring, medium sparring, hard sparring, or no head contact sparring are all entirely optional. Pick what suits your goals best. You’ll certainly find partners that match your aim. 

Practical Mixed Martial Arts

The greatest martial artists are mixed martial artists. This isn’t up for dispute. At Rise Martial Arts, all students, adults included, become proficient in the most realistic form of martial arts there is: mixed martial arts. We only include techniques that have an actual real-life use case. The techniques have to actually be useful for self-defense or at least for training. This means punches, kicks, grappling, submissions, takedowns, evasions, defenses, elbows, & knee strikes. Nothing too fancy and nothing unrealistic.

Consistent Classes

At Rise Martial Arts, you’ll know exactly what to expect each class, when it comes to structure. All classes are timed & executed down to the very second. The content will change, sure. But the structure is the same very class.

Adults of All Ages & Fitness Levels

Whether you’re 18 years old or 65, you’re welcome at Rise Martial Arts. As long as you’re putting in the effort, it doesn’t matter to us in the slightest. Martial arts are for hardworking adults of all ages. And all fitness levels! If you’re out of shape, you’re the ideal candidate for martial arts. Because you’ll receive the greatest benefits. 

Females Partnered Only With Females

Unless you’re training with your significant other, women will never be in physical contact with men. Males with males, and females with females. No exceptions other than your significant other. Men are not allowed, nor will they, ask to be your grappling, sparring, or drilling partner. 

Friendly Environment

This is not a cage-fighting, skull-crushing class. This is a friendly, inviting, & encouraging environment. Yes, you’ll be pushed to work hard. But this isn’t place where enemies are made. This is where friends help each other grow & develop. If you’re looking to beat the snot out of people, go somewhere else. At Rise, we keep things realistic, but safe & friendly. Good vibes only.

This could be the adventure you’ve been looking for.