Give your child a head start in life.

Lasting Confidence

Your child will gain confidence properly at Rise Martial Arts. That is, through practice, failure, & then success. When confidence is gained in this way, it’s durable. It often lasts for life. Overcoming challenges leads to the right kind of confidence.


Bullying, and the low self-esteem that it causes, can damage a child for life. Our students become gradually familiar with the feeling of confrontation & self-defense. And this confidence translates to them finally sticking up for themselves in real life. And when this happens, the bullying finally stops.

Mental Fortitude

The biggest concern of so many parents right now is the mental health of their child. There are certainly professional & medical paths to helping with this. But the type of mental toughness, grit, & strength you gain from the hardship & excitement at Rise Martial Arts is unparalleled for giving kids mental fortitude. There’s nothing like it.

A kids martial arts program has to be exciting, fast-paced, & fun.

Precise Class Structure

This is not an exaggeration: at Rise, every single second of class is planned, structured, & consistent. Every single second. Your child will have a consistent experience, each class. Now, the content will vary, of course, to keep things fresh. But the structure is the same compelling & fun structure, every single class. Most schools “wing” classes. None of that takes place at Rise.

Safety Taken Seriously

This isn’t some platitude. We have highly specific tactics for safety at Rise: zero head contact for children, engaged safety briefings every class, average 6-1 student to teacher ratio, & highly precise mat pathing & running standards. That’s not to say we’re perfect, but we have more systemized safety tactics than perhaps 99% of martial arts schools. We take it with the utmost seriousness.

Teaching That Inspires

We know full well that children can be inspired, engaged, & joyful about a meaningful activity they partake in. The opposite is also true. Instructors at Rise all teach with the exact same classical teaching principles that inspire children towards excellence: individualism / name usage, visual-verbal-physical instructions, purpose-based knowledge, & high-energy teaching are some of the many methods you will see every single instructor adhere to.

Clear, sensible, & exact program details. No surprises.

Practical Mixed Martial Arts

Training in just one art can be fine: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Taekwondo, Karate, Boxing, etc. But the greatest martial artists are, without dispute, mixed martial artists. Imagine your child knowing how to punch, but having no idea what to do when someone grabs them! Or the other way around! Students need the full package. Not a piece of the package. Rise Martial Arts teaches only the most realistic martial arts techniques.

Girls Only Partner With Girls

Males with males and females with females. Males & females are sometimes in the same groups, but never physically touch one another. We take this very, very seriously.

Designed With Fun In Mind

You simply can’t develop a child that quits. And if a child isn’t having fun, they’re likely on the inevitable path to quitting. The Rise class structure all but guarantees a fun time, every class. You’ll see your child excited, intense, focused, laughing, & smiling throughout class. It’s because the structure and content is meticulously setup for fun, while barely, if at all, sacrificing skill development.

Athletic Foundation

Whether your child wants to improve from other sports, or lose weight, or to just be more physically fit and active for life, we’ve got you covered. At the right school, martial artists are the greatest athletes in the world. Endurance, agility, strength, coordination, performance under pressure. The Rise program covers it all. 

Nothing To Hide

Yes, you can absolutely watch your child train! You can also drop them off. That’s fine as well. We have nothing to hide. And for much of the class, you’ll be able to hear what the teacher is saying & what the teacher is doing. We’re an open book. 

6-1 Student Teacher Ratio

The actual class average in our kids martial arts program is 6 students to 1 teacher. Other schools sometimes claim to have a similar ratio, but in reality they’re referring to unpaid & poorly trained volunteers. All of our instructors are highly trained, paid, & actually employed / accountable instructors. This means consistency, safety, & a positive experience for your child.

Ditching The Screens

The obsession with screens at this age (and really at all ages) is bordering on insane. Life takes place in the real world. With real people. With face to face encounters. Your child will be off their device for at least an extra hour a day. And you may be surprised at how their martial arts training takes them off their devices throughout the day, as they’re inspired to train at home as well.

Zero Head Contact

The data are clear: children should not be getting hit in the head. This can cause great harm to kids. We enforce a very, very strict rule that is zero head contact under the age of 16. There isn’t a single pediatric organization that disagrees with this contention. Head contact is very common at other martial arts schools. The risk-reward just doesn’t cut it for us, or for most parents.

Safety Briefings Every Class

Every single class we devote a portion of it to explaining what’s safe & approved, and what’s dangerous and not approved. And our instructors watch & enforce these like a hawk. Sure, accidents can happen. But they’re exceedingly rare.

Absolute Engagement

This isn’t a typical kids activity or martial arts school where kids just run around in circles and do whatever they want. Our instructors use owl vision (constantly looking around at all kids in their group), close positioning, re-engagement tactics, name-usage, & high energy to actually keep the kids engaged & compliant, from start to finish. You will be amazed at how well we’re able to attain and retain student attention. In fact, students with super high energy & low attention spans are some of our best students! The structure is fast-paced enough to really let them shine.

This could be the head start in life that your child needs.